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This will be the one day or week of the year that you may come across a range of stories, news, blogs or vlogs about the people with disabilities from all over the country. International Day for People with Disability (IDPwD) is celebrated with a focus on raising awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with a disability in the community.

While inclusivity is always a topic of discussion, it is important to ensure their participation in work and community, and to celebrate people’s achievements. Though disability in people varies and can have impacts, many incredible people have tried to control them with medication and sensible lifestyle. It might not be easy to deal with the negative feelings, stress, anxiety or fear but many examples show that people with disabilities can lead a better life.


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The first step of overcoming any barrier can begin with acceptance of one’s disability and stop entertaining any thought of quitting. It is significant to keep going with your plans to achieve your goal. Here are a few tips to help yourself to live well with your disability and focus on your goals:

  • Stay focused on opportunities and not on barriers.
  • Set realistic goals and try to stay calm and patient.
  • Feel free to express your emotions and talk to people.
  • Take advantage of all the opportunities that come across.
  • Challenge yourself with new tasks every day.
  • Do your best and celebrate even your small achievements.
  • Understand seeking help or accepting help won’t make you weak but helps to progress.
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