COVID-19: Be a Warrior and Carrier of Positivity

Covid Warrior
Mask up, NT!

First Lockdown in the NT

The covid crisis was unprecedented and people in NT is experiencing a new life in the period of its first lockdown. The much-awaited school holidays for picnics and holiday trips have hit with the stark reality to stay back in confined indoors. The momentous changes with daily newsreels of updates and information are served to fuel anxiety, stress and fear in many.  Territory day is postponed, which means we need to save our fireworks for another day.

While pandemic is disrupting everyone’s life, let us also think about people with physical, intellectual and developmental disabilities. At Hands on People, we believe each of us are capable of making a positive difference in the lives of others. We are committed to serve our community the best we can. Caring for oneself and others during the pandemic is one of the most challenging tasks for everyone. To stay strong and survive this together as a community, it is necessary for us to spread some kindness.   

Do The Right Thing

We are only asked to keep physical distancing, not to cut off our social connections. Hence, it is time that we approach things in a more positive and productive way in this unpleasant situation to keep us sane and well. There are people out who are in need of highly specialised programs or one-on-one care support to perform their daily tasks or to be safe during this pandemic.  

Poor mental health with stress and anxiety can be one of the major issues people might have to deal with. Stress and anxiety can be reduced or managed by even offering a support through conversations. One can be a good listener and share positive thoughts or stories to people rather than sharing negative or sensational news. We can encourage people to engage themselves in mindful activities such as reading, exercises, games, etc to reduce their stress and keep them positive. 

Even during this pandemic, the team at Hands on People is geared up to provide essential services to people with disabilities. We continue to serve you with pride and strive to ensure no one is left behind in our endeavours. 


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