We believe it is the right of all people to have the best opportunities to explore, enjoy life and do their best in the community. People with disabilities still seem to be struggling at times to get connected with the society. Social participation and inclusive activities provide individuals with disabilities an opportunity to connect with the community and contribute to the society.

Hands On People values and supports social inclusion activities in community and strive to create opportunities for people to be part of them. This can not only enhance their mental health and wellbeing but also helps them to identify their strengths. We have found that Mad Snake Café in Darwin City has come up with an initiative that focuses on inclusive community participation.

To appreciate and encourage this initiative, we are sponsoring a free coffee with muffin to all NDIS participants and carers/guardians on Thursday, 9th June 2022 at Mad Snake Café from 3 – 5 PM. The space offers fun-filled Thursday afternoons exclusively for individuals with disabilities and their carers for social and community participation. The space offers games, puzzles, movies, music, and much more.

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Inclusive community programs offers sense and purpose to people and helps them to lead a meaningful life regardless of their age, abilities, experiences, beliefs, etc. It creates a sense of belonging and nurtures connections or friendships. The opportunities will also help to establish a connection through shared interest.

Many activities help individuals build social competency skills and support people in becoming actively involved in planning their own recreational activities or hobbies. Community participation also let people to recognize their limitations or barriers. When it comes to barriers, a support person with various planned strategies may encourage the person to overcome the barriers, even if it can be a slow process.

Hands On People is committed to support people with all abilities to become an active, involved, social member of the community and strive to create more opportunities for them in the Territory.


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