Embrace Opportunity for Socialization with The Inclusion Centre

Inclusion plays a significant role in transforming lives of many. The ongoing social change with high quality inclusive practices has paved the way for assimilation and integration of people with special needs within the community.

Why is it important to have an accessible and inclusive community space?

The inclusive space reduces barriers of negative attitudes and foster social opportunities for people. The development and implementation of programs and activities at our centre focus on providing a chance to live their life best of their abilities and desires. We work together to address the need of our participants to achieve their dreams and goals.

People are provided with various activities that would interest them to engage and develop their skills. It is a place where they can meet different people and build a relationship among them. People would love to gather and share their ideas and thoughts in the group activities. An active and positive environment spreads energy and joy to people, wanting them to try new opportunities with their peers.

Being engaged in a positive space reduce the stress of people and improves their mental health. The person-centred strategies and priorities provided at the centre for individuals to achieve their personal goals will especially help them to enhance capabilities and achieve their personal goals.

Informative chart for TIC
Informative chart for TIC


Inclusion centres help to,

  • Create a sense of belonging.
  • Reach out new experiences and opportunities.
  • Build and improve relationship.
  • Better interaction and engagement.
  • Improve mental health by enjoying activities with peers.
  • Promote and improve physical activities.
  • Reduce stress and improves resilience.
  • Learn and develop new skills.
  • Empower people to reach full potential.
  • Promote and enable positive interactions.

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